Successful 9th day of the 13th School for Young Leaders of President Ivanov
Following the online part of this year’s School for Young Leaders, the program continued in person, in Hotel Inex Olgica in Ohrid and it will last until September 30th, 2022.
Today, the participants had the opportunity to follow three lectures by two professors from Tyler University in Texas (UTTyler) Prof. Dr. Thomas Guderjan and Prof. Dr. Robert Sterken. The third lecture was delivered by Mr. Cordell Carter II from the Aspen Institute.
Professor Guderjan from the Department of Social Sciences and a professor of Anthropology at Tyler University in Texas (UTTyler), with his lecture and presentation, succeeded to arouse the interest of the participants and they had a large number of questions that he answered with particular pleasure.
The lecture by Professor Sterken, Professor of Political Science, on the topic: “Moral Convictions in Politics”, opened a number of questions about what a moral leader should possess today. He explained the principles of moral leadership and pointed out positive examples from modern times, building on the developed leadership theories. Together with the participants, they worked on the basic principles a modern leader should adhere to, in order to receive the moral sign.
The lecture delivered by Mr. Cortel Carter II was actually his personal story, the personal experiences that he himself went through. Sharing his example, he pointed out the characteristics a moral leader should possess.